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Visit to Berlin on 16th of May

During my visit to Berlin, and in the evening of the same day, 16th may, where I participated in the event titled (A future for Christians and Yezidis in North Iraq) organized and hosted in German Parliament by CDU/CSU fraction (I posted earlier a report on the event), I participated as a main speaker in another event organized by CDU/CSU fraction attended by around 100 representatives of different human rights organizations.
The welcome message was delivered by MP Micahel Brand, member of German Parliament committee for human rights and humanitarian aid.
Mp Volker Kauder, CDU/CSU fraction speaker and the organizer of the event, delivered his speech focusing on the importance of human rights and freedom of religion, and German commitment in this regards.
My speech which according to the event tradition and structure was to be limited to five minutes and bringing one point to the consideration of the attendance who keep exchanging on it in an open, informal and free space bilaterally or in groups.
My point was that we had in Iraq is not a natural disaster rather a manmade disaster whose roots are existing in the administrative, constitution, education, legislation, etc. system and structure of Iraq.
Whereas we appreciate the humanitarian support which is dealing with the outcomes of the crisis, we need to address and deal the roots of the problem and fix it once and forever.

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